Pray for America

Today, May 2, 2019, is designated ‘National Day of Prayer’ for the USA.

We need to pray every day – but especially today when so many are joining together to pray specifically for this nation.

The warfare against EVERY biblical principle used by the Founding Fathers to form the United States is under severe attack!


There are a multitude of things we need to pray for, here are a few items on my list:

Pray that the USA stays a Republic – where the power rests in a body of citizens (no matter what faith, political affiliation, education level, ethnicity, etc.) who are entitled to vote for officers and representatives responsible to them.

Pray for the Electoral College to remain set in place by our Founding Fathers to stand and not be eliminated, or replaced by ‘direct democracy’ which has typically led to ‘mob rule’!

• Pray for fair and just immigration laws to be written.

• Pray for persecuted Christians held hostage and those who are escaping evil forces around the world.

• Pray for a prosperous Economy – it affects nations!

• Pray for President Trump, Vice-President Pence, the White House staff, Congress, judges, etc.

As the Apostle Paul told Timothy, “Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity” (1 Tim.2:2).

Pray as the Holy Spirit leads you - and may God Bless America!

Building together with Him and you,
John P. Kelly